Kickstarter Updates – Backing Multiple Tiers, and Announcing Two New Tiers.

Some Kickstarter backers have come to us expressing frustration over their inability to buy a second tier, as doing so replaces the first tier they purchased instead of adding to it. If you want to buy the rewards for two separate tiers, please message us via Facebook, Twitter, or our email, team at and…

48 Hours, $5,000 to Go!

 $43,364 pledged of $48,000 Kickstarter goal How Far We’ve Come *So* *much* *rad* *shit* has happened in the past month. Since beginning the Kickstarter, the word about Pursuance has really spread. We’ve been retweeted thousands of times and mentioned by Freedom of the Press Foundation; new volunteers have come aboard after learning about us through the Kickstarter…

We’re in the Final Stretch!

As we enter the final 72 hours of the Kickstarter, I’d like to take a moment to express just how wonderful this experience has been. We’ve spread the word about Pursuance, we’ve made new friends, and we’ve so far succeeded in raising over 75% of our $48,000 goal in less than a month. It’s been…